Your Content Management System (CMS): Giving You Control Website Design and Development SERVICES

One of our top priorities is to empower you to independently maintain and update your website.

In order to accomplish this, 99% of our websites include a “content management system” (CMS) so that you can update all key content.

When you need to update a photo, modify a form, add a new product description or even an entirely new page, a web Content Management System (CMS) will save you time and money. At Snap 360, we’ve been providing our clients CMS for their website content since the ‘90s.

Our Preferred CMS: WordPress

WordPress is the number one Content Management System (CMS), by size of global install base.

60% of the world’s CMS websites are built on WordPress

Begun as a simple web logging, or “blogging” platform, WordPress has come so far over the past 15 years in versatility and power that it has outpaced competitors to become the global favourite – now used by 60% of the world’s CMS-driven websites.

Its plug-in library of functional extensions – from calendars to e-commerce to multi-lingual websites and everything in between – makes WordPress extremely adaptable.

Can I have a Custom Design and WordPress?


It is vital that the layout and design of your website carry forward your brand’s appeal and reinforce the messaging that matters to your prospects.

To successfully reach, engage and convert your visitors, your website’s design should embody, carry forward and strengthen your brand.

Your unique brand conveys your value and differentiates you from competitors.

That’s almost impossible to achieve with superficially entertaining, pre-fab WordPress templates. They may cut development time and up-front costs, but the long-term dilution of your company reputation and lost opportunities make them a bad bargain.

Custom WordPress designs, created specifically for your unique company, without distracting whizzbang, have a virtually unlimited range. To give you an idea of the possibilities, here are a few examples of websites we have designed that use WordPress as the foundation:

We’ll work with you to accomplish a look and feel for your website that will make you proud and resonate with your market, while enabling you to manage your own content from anywhere, day or night.

Alternatives: A Custom Content Management System (CMS)

When your website is highly complex or is intensively database-driven, a custom-designed system may be the solution, as it has been for many of our successful clients such as the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers, We can make any design work.

When you need to integrate with offline databases or internal office systems – syncing users, accounts products, or orders, for example –  a custom web application  is often the solution for our clients, such as the MTEL SAS application used by hundreds of teachers for dozens of school boards and thousands of high school co-op students.

Interested in learning more about how we can give you control over your website? Let’s chat!

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